impact, success Jennifer Thibodaux impact, success Jennifer Thibodaux

An unexpected gift

It was a Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. I stood before a class of college-bound junior and senior high school students. I was there to deliver my authenticity talk and answer questions about being a lawyer. A bunch of thoughts went through my head. Did high school always start this early? Will they stay awake? Are they too young to understand my story? Did I ever look this young?!

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law firm life Jennifer Thibodaux law firm life Jennifer Thibodaux

Five Keys to Success at a Law Firm

I recently presented keys to success at a law firm as part of the Women’s Leadership Committee’s programming. These tips are things I learned along the way during my career, things I saw others doing, or things that I wish I had done differently or better while in practice since hindsight is 20/20.

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