The power of joy
It was Christmas morning, 1988. I was eight years old and understandably up early. I needed to investigate if Santa came and if so, whether he brought me the thing I wanted the most. So I crept out of my room to the landing down the hall. I peered down to the living room where our Christmas tree stood. I saw wrapped gifts and quickly spotted what I came for: the 1988 Macy's Snoopy stuffed animal. YES!
From that moment on, Snoopy was my #1 toy. I played games with him and talked to him like a friend; I slept with him for more years (ok, decades) than I care to admit; I clutched him tightly on my first night of college; and he slept next to me before the bar exam. For the last 15 years, he's sat proudly on a chair in my bedroom after being refurbished at a doll hospital. (He received a lot of hugs, love, and tears over the years!) Sappy as it sounds, Snoopy is my happy place. He is light and love.
Earlier this month, I was perusing Target online when a sweatshirt caught my eye. It was off white and in the center of the chest, a pale pink heart trimmed in cotton lace featured Snoopy hugging Woodstock. A huge smile stretched across my face. I softly gasped with glee. How adorable! A wearable Snoopy valentine! And the model wasn't a girl, but an adult woman. Could I... possibly... wear this sweatshirt?
My mind went into overdrive: "I'm too old." "The model is less than half my age." "I will look ridiculous." "It's stupid." "Where would I possibly wear it?" Clearly, my immediate reaction was to overthink and ignore the pure JOY the sweatshirt made me feel. But I felt... wistful. I allowed myself to truly feel the smile on my face. I also noticed it was on sale. So I said: "What the heck" and added it to my cart.
Who says that I'm too old, and better yet, who cares?! Isn't the Peanuts Gang meant for "kids" of all ages? The only person who can judge whether I look ridiculous is me, and I simply can't equate the warm and fuzzies it gives me with ridiculousness -- or frivolity. As for where I wear it? Well, I wore it every day of Valentine's weekend (thank you, 15 minute wash cycle), including at home, running errands, and at my son's games. I've worn it a bunch since then, including for some low-key video calls. Every time I catch a glimpse of it in the mirror, it makes me so dang happy. Goodbye "all my mornings are Mondays stuck in an endless February," hello Snoopy!
I bet you have your own version of a Snoopy sweatshirt. There is something you want to try or do (or maybe wear too) and you know it will bring you joy, but you talk yourself out of it. You can think of a million reasons NOT to try, do, or wear the thing. You worry that it's dumb, not worth it, or not meant for you. You think your time has passed, that season is over, or you lost the chance. You allow all that other stuff to outweigh the one priceless thing that truly matters: the way it makes you feel.
So I'm here to say: Wear the sweatshirt. Do the thing. Try it. Never underestimate the power of joy. As a reminder, you'll find me sporting the Snoopy Valentine's sweatshirt -- and a smile to match -- all year round.
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