What didn’t go so well this year?

On to the second question of our annual review. What did you think of week 1? What went well for you this year? I hope you surprised yourself because I know I did. As promised, though, week 2 is going to be a bit harder. The question is: What didn't go so well? Once again, I'm answering as an entrepreneur and letting my gut do the talking. So, in no particular order:

First, my JMT Interview series. Earlier this year, I announced the HUGE NEWS that I was going to start an interview series. I love talking and connecting with people, especially those who are leading authentic lives doing inspiring work they love. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mirna Santiago, a self-described bias buster, the founder and CEO of the incredible non-profit Girls Rule the Law, Inc., and law firm partner. To be sure, the interview itself was a success. I'm confident of that -- check it out here.

The problem? I bit off more than I could chew. I interviewed her live for about 20 minutes, recorded it, and slapped it on You Tube. No stops and starts and editing like with a podcast. But, then I realized: I still had to do video editing. You know, create clips for social media, which is time-consuming and tedious. I started to question the format. Luckily, I have a new idea for 2022 (stay tuned), but in my excitement, didn't think realistically about the logistics and technicalities to get this series properly off the ground. You know what they say, fail fast!

Second, my self-promotion. Ugh. This. Is. So. Hard! I know it's something a lot of women struggle with, but I realize I held myself back this year and therefore missed out on opportunities. I have to create them! Yes, I asked you all a few times to be JMT Speaks Ambassadors -- and you kindly delivered. But, self-promotion is more than direct asks. It's the little things, like sharing testimonials on social media more often, recording short clips about who I am and what I do, updating my speaker resume and sending it to conference organizers. You get the drill. I vow to be better at this in 2022.

Lastly, time management. If you've been with me awhile, you may be surprised to hear me say this since I often write about productivity. I mean time management in the sense of time well spent. I spend a LOT of time on JMT Speaks. It's typically a daily endeavor. For example, I spend a lot of time writing. This is because I overthink everything! I need to get "it" done (whatever it is at that moment) and then focus on more diverse tasks that would actually help with JMT Interviews and self-promotion! I need to trust my writing, get it done faster, and then use the "extra" time for things like video editing and self-promotion (see above!). The tough, technical tasks simply need to get done and I have to devote the time to tackling them.

So, that's my dirty laundry from 2021. I jest -- I'm not embarrassed or upset about what I could have done better. Even if we throw a red sock in with the white sheets, pink isn't such a bad result. We're constantly learning, growing, and evolving in every aspect of our lives, so I'll look at the above as areas of opportunity for 2022.

What about you?

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What did I learn this year?


What went well this year?