“2016 Jenn” wouldn’t believe it

Five summers ago, I was a partner at the law firm that had been my home for nearly a decade. I was a commercial litigator and, at the time, was handling several high-profile matters. I worked a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I was also overjoyed to be expecting my son and spent the summer getting ready to be a mom.

If you would have told me that in the summer of 2021, I would be four years into a new career, I would have looked at you like you were nuts. Me? All I ever wanted to be was a partner at a law firm. What new career? If you also told me I would own my own speaking and writing business, I would have done a double take. What?! Me, an entrepreneur? That can't be right. If you then explained I would have a weekly newsletter, social media following, and spoken in front of hundreds of people, I would have said, "Oh! You must have me confused with someone else! That couldn't possibly be in my future!"

Crazy, huh? Because it's all true. Turns out "2016 Jenn" would have been the one who was nuts. At the time, I was stuck on my path. I didn't question anything. I kept going and going because that's what I was supposed to do.

In ditching my plan and taking a leap to do something different, my whole world changed. As I approach my four-year anniversary at my day job, I cannot help but marvel about where I am in my life. I never, ever would have expected or planned for ANY of this. As someone who plans everything, makes tons of lists, and is always overprepared, I still can't believe it.

The lessons learned are simple but true:

  • It's ok to change gears or make a side step in your career, plan, or life. Trust me, you'll find yourself fulfilled. Not to mention, I was in my late 30's - it's never too late!

  • Expect the unexpected. Doing so allows you to keep an open mind and seize an opportunity when it comes your way.

  • You never know what the future holds. So honestly, never say never. You otherwise won't see a good thing, even if it hits you in the face.

These adages are simple and almost cheesy but I'm living proof that they are TRUE. I have no idea where I'll be five years from now in summer 2026. Five years ago, that would have terrified me! Now? I'm just excited.

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Accountability partners vs. perfectionism


Whoops! I fell in the planning fallacy trap.