5 Things This Perfectionist Is Letting Go of — and Why

When everyone was mouthing the words to "Driver's License" by Olivia Rodrigo a few months ago, I didn't join in. I didn't know the words because keeping up with popular music is something I no longer do. (Btw, I cringe to write "popular music" because I sound like the section of a long-defunct CD store.)

The thing is, I used to pride myself on this sort of thing! But after nearly four years of not commuting to work, i.e., the time I spent blaring music in my car while sitting in traffic, I know that I'm behind. My time in the car is limited to four minutes to the grocery store. Round trip. I don't listen to too many hits while exercising because I need upbeat cardio I'm familiar with. (The only exception proving my rule is Dua Lipa. Love!)

But somewhere along the way, I decided and accepted that I'm not going to be "good at" popular music anymore. Sure, I catch up after the song is played out and the only one on the radio. But as a perfectionist, letting go of things I used to care about and filing them under "oh well, I don't do this" is a big leap. Because I don't have any expectations of myself, I don't feel like I've failed at it. Instead, I've given myself permission to not be good at it and spend time on other things. I don't feel bad asking, who's Olivia Rodrigo anyway? It's absolutely freeing! Have you tried it?

So here are some things I'm not good at because I purposefully don't devote the time and energy to them, at least not right now. In no particular order:

  1. Cooking. I was going to put this one last hoping you wouldn't notice. While I'm not proud of this, it's the truth and you know I'm all about authenticity. Yes, I can cook, but basically the simplest meals ever. Luckily, I have the Best Husband Ever who regularly cooks amazing meals. And enjoys doing so.

  2. The latest TV series everyone is watching. Is "TV series" the correct lingo? So many people "cut the cord" and don't have a box, so I have no idea. I can't even name what the hot new show is, never mind admit I don't watch it. The best example I have here is that when Game of Thrones was on, I just smiled and nodded when everyone else around me dissected every episode and lived for Sunday nights. More to say on this one here.

  3. Facebook. I never created an account because I'm that weird age where FB didn't exist until after I graduated college. When it was raging, I was a junior associate at a law firm and never got around to creating an account. Besides, what would I post? Me working at my desk? Better to remain mysteriously off the grid.

  4. Clubhouse. I was invited and joined and should be using it as a speaker, but simply don't have the bandwidth. Oh well.

  5. Popular music. See above. (Somewhere, a teenage version of me who lived and loved 90's hip-hop and R&B in real time is dying of embarrassment.)

So there you have it: a perfectionist deciding she can't be good at some things so she can spend time on other things. I'm purposefully letting this stuff go! Maybe some of the above will change in different seasons of my life, but for now, it's all good.

Does anyone else have "Peaches" stuck in their head right now?


Whoops! I fell in the planning fallacy trap.


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