harmony, perfectionism, word of the year, personal growth Jennifer Thibodaux harmony, perfectionism, word of the year, personal growth Jennifer Thibodaux

Some is better than none

Harmony is, by definition, "a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity." (Thanks, Dictionary.com.) As I kept harmony top of mind this year, I was reminded of two adages that are opposite sides of the same coin:

  • Good is not the enemy of perfect.

  • Some is better than none.

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authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

“No” is a complete sentence.

Consider it a public service announcement or a gentle reminder. Heck, file it under a wellness tip: "No" is a complete sentence. It's ok to say no -- and it's ok to say no without any explanation. Ugh, I know! We often "feel bad" or don't want to "sound rude." I get it. I'm a perfectionist, which is also code for "people pleaser." I know it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty or overexplaining.

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perfectionism Jennifer Thibodaux perfectionism Jennifer Thibodaux

Progress over perfection

On January 30, 2020, I hovered my mouse over the "Post" button on LinkedIn. I was about to announce JMT Speaks to the world. I knew there was no going back because once it was out there, it was out there. For the umpteenth time, I worried what "they" would think and if "they" would laugh. Then I got comfortable being uncomfortable, took a deep breath, and pressed "Post." JMT Speaks was "live"!

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Jennifer Thibodaux Jennifer Thibodaux

Either way, you’re right. Can you or can’t you?

"Whether you think you can or think you can't -- either way, you're right." - Gerald Ford. I've heard this a thousand times before, but it really struck me recently. Perhaps it was because the iFit trainer said it while she had me slogging it up a hill so high the elliptical inclined to the point where my topknot was bumping against the ceiling. (At 5'4", that happens approximately never.)

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perfectionism Jennifer Thibodaux perfectionism Jennifer Thibodaux

How to silence negative self-talk

I ran into a local mom at the grocery store this weekend. As we debated the pros and cons of different kids-themed frozen waffles, I confessed I ate them too. She agreed and noted how quick and easy they are in the morning rather than cooking breakfast for the kids. She added: "I'm a bad mom." 

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perfectionism, productivity Jennifer Thibodaux perfectionism, productivity Jennifer Thibodaux

Accountability partners vs. perfectionism

I love writing my newsletter. Suffice it to say, it's a highlight of my week. Sometimes it takes me 25 minutes. Sometimes it takes me an hour. However, I used to have this tiny problem: No matter how long it took, I couldn't leave it alone. I couldn't say, "It's done!" and move on with my life. I'd tinker with it night after night, driving myself nuts over inane things like whether semi-colons are too archaic. (They're not; I love 'em.) 

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