You Can’t Unlock Your Phone or Your True Self While Wearing a Mask

I know I’m not alone in my frustration at the inability to unlock my iPhone using Face ID while wearing a mask. Cut to me at the grocery, trying to pull up my notes folder containing my grocery list but realizing I can’t take my mask off. Instead, I’m taking off my antibacterial glove to type in the code when I really just want to high tail it out of there. <Sigh.>

But let’s back up a second and think about the analogy that’s begging to be made. What Face ID is really doing is authenticating your identity. There’s that buzzword again! If it recognizes you, it grants access to your phone. If it doesn’t, your phone remains locked.  So if your iPhone can’t authenticate your identity because you’re wearing a mask, then surely the world can’t see you for your true self if you’re wearing a figurative mask. And now you’ve locked yourself out of the happiness and ease that comes with being genuine.

Simple logic with a powerful message. (Anybody else hear a light bulb going off?)

When you’re putting up a façade or hiding something about yourself, it’s the equivalent of wearing a face covering at Shop Rite while trying to pull up your grocery list. And now you’re tired and frustrated because you’re wearing the darn mask and you really just want to get your stuff and go home. Just like you’re tired and frustrated from compromising yourself wearing that uncomfortable figurative mask instead of being a pineapple. By the way, it’s pretty hard to recognize yourself when you’re wearing either the literal or figurative mask.

So although you must keep your literal mask on to get milk and eggs (ok, and chocolate), you must take off that figurative mask to embrace your true self. Forget the façade and let them see you for who you are. You will be happier, relaxed, and feel ten pounds lighter. The byproduct? You’ll be focused, present, and engaged in your personal and professional lives. Frankly, unstoppable.

It’s also likely you won’t be so frustrated when you have to type in your code to unlock your phone while wearing a mask. I’m just saying….


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