5 Ways I’m Staying Positive

From the weekly newsletter to the blog, here’s how I’m trying to stay positive. If you like this, please subscribe. Thank you!

I was texting with a friend the other day and she was telling me that her family cancelled Thanksgiving due to the second wave of the virus in our area. She commented that all she could do was stay positive, despite how difficult it is in a year that's already been, well.... tough.

Not to pile on, but it does seem harder to stay positive these days. The numbers are rising, it gets dark at 4:30 p.m. in the NYC area, the weather is getting colder, it's harder to stay busy outdoors, the days of outdoor dining are dwindling, and oh yeah, the typical holiday stress is compounded by a pandemic. Not to mention, cross your fingers and toes that you don't get a sniffle because I can attest firsthand to the stress of getting a preschooler a sick visit at the pediatrician and a rapid Covid test (negative) due to an ear infection....  

So how do we stay positive when the stress, anxiety, and disappointment compound themselves every day? I can only speak for myself, but here's what I'm telling myself:

  • Keep perspective. This is not forever. All we can do is take one step at a time. And remember, there are many people who have it worse than you. (Sorry for the guilt trip, but like I said, this is what works for me.) I am incredibly lucky because my loved ones are healthy and safe.

  • Take time for yourself every day. You all just laughed, and I get it. There's no time! But, I've learned that just like I shouldn't skip a work out because I only have ten minutes, it's better to do something for ten minutes than nothing. So, whatever your "thing" is that you enjoy, make time for it on a daily basis. Nurturing your hobbies and interests in some "me" time is like medicine for the soul. So whether it's baking, reading, watching TikTok videos, or binge watching reality TV, go for it.

  • Keep a healthy mind and body. Yep, easier said than done. See above re: ten minutes of exercise. The motivator for me? Health is wealth. Taking a walk around the block is realistically not going to make or break my work day, but is likely to make or break my sanity. And when I exercise early in the morning the silver lining is.... it's lighter at 6 a.m. now that it's dark at 4:30 p.m.

  • Be present. It's very easy to get distracted right now. But focusing on one task at hand forces me to drown the rest out. As a recovering multi-tasker, I find that being and staying present works wonders on many levels. In my experience, this yields positivity because I can dive into a task, complete it, and feel a sense of achievement.

  • Adopt a positive attitude and surround yourself with positive people. Keeping an upbeat attitude is infectious, including for yourself! Also, ever hear the adage that misery loves company? Enough said.

Now it's your turn: tell me how you're keeping a positive mindset amidst this all. I'd love to share tips (anonymously!) with you all as we continue to navigate this challenging time.

Be safe and well.


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