B.Y.O.B. means….

It finally happened.

Over the holidays, I achieved my dream: I was home alone in the middle of the day, so I made a coffee, went into the living room, opened the blinds to let the sunshine in, grabbed my favorite blanket and my book . . . and sat down on the couch to read. I had wanted to do this forever and knew I had to seize the opportunity while taking some time off. And it was epic!

I did this twice. The second time, it dawned on me that the dream was a form of self-care. But what I've realized since then is that this dream was actually more about the ability to spend time with myself. And that's different from self-care. 

Self-care can be spent with others, like having dinner with your significant other or taking an exercise class with friends. However, spending time with yourself is, by definition, a solo activity. There is no one else to talk to or keep you occupied. Sure, I was reading. But I found myself stopping to let my mind wander when I picked up my coffee mug. I looked out the window. I listened to the sounds of a resting house. I thought, and thought some more. I jotted down some newsletter ideas. I thought about how the book made me feel. I also asked myself: "Why don't I do this more often?"

I haven't written about this experience over the last few weeks because I haven't been able to adequately answer this question. The easy answer is I don't prioritize it. But it wasn't until I drove by a random truck with a tagline on its bumper that said: "B.Y.O.B. Be Your Own Boss!" that something clicked into place.

I shouldn't equate "being a boss" with work when it is actually more important when it comes to running your life! We each get to decide how to spend our day, our time, and our energy. So as my own boss, I am assigning myself the task of spending time with myself. I'm literally giving myself permission to do it -- and reminding anyone else who needs to hear it! It may not be a blissful afternoon reading in silence and sunlight, but it could be talking a solo walk or drive in silence. Whatever allows you to spend time with yourself to simply think about anything and everything. 

It might be scary, but it will definitely be worth it. 

How have you spent time with yourself recently? Do you consider yourself your own boss?

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Word up, 2023