authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

It’s ok not to be ok

"Do you ever feel like just giving up?" When I asked my husband this the other night, he immediately looked at me with concern and surprise. I quickly added that I was referring to my lymphedema and how I was frustrated and aggravated. I was tired of it all: the wrapping, the re-swelling, the PT eating into my day and causing work to bleed into my nights. I was just... over it. 

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fun, joy, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux fun, joy, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

Throw me something, mister!

So Covid hit my household for the first time in three years. We were lucky to make it this far and are on the mend. However, the biggest bummer was canceling a long-anticipated trip to visit my in-laws in New Orleans. We were headed down to enjoy Mardi Gras parades! If you were following me last year, you may remember that it was somehow my first time going to Carnival* despite counting a native New Orleanian as my significant other since 2003!

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Jennifer Thibodaux Jennifer Thibodaux

B.Y.O.B. means….

Over the holidays, I achieved my dream: I was home alone in the middle of the day, so I made a coffee, went into the living room, opened the blinds to let the sunshine in, grabbed my favorite blanket and my book . . . and sat down on the couch to read. I had wanted to do this forever and knew I had to seize the opportunity while taking some time off. And it was epic!

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