“I am not throwing away my shot”

I've never seen Hamilton on Broadway. It wasn't until last weekend when my husband and I watched it on Disney+ that I'd ever heard the music. If you've seen the show or heard the score, you won't be surprised to hear that I was absolutely transfixed. Mesmerized. Instantly obsessed.

And wondering, why haven't I seen this earlier?!

I looked up when the show debuted and it all fell into place. 2015. Welp, that explains it. I had just been voted into the partnership at the law firm where I used to practice. I was absolutely desperate to prove (mostly to myself) that I deserved it. I remember working around the block, continuing to sacrifice nights, weekends, and my mental and physical health.

If you would have asked me when Hamilton debuted, I would have guessed years before 2015 because what I do remember is my attitude. It's a perspective I no longer have, so it feels like ages and ages ago. I remember I was skeptical about whether I'd like the show because it was "different." I've loved Broadway since I was eight years old. I also love hip hop. But, I wasn't sure I'd like them on the same stage. I wasn't willing to accept change or try new things.

I also remember hearing about the Hamilton lottery and feeling like Ebenezer Scrooge. A chance to win tickets? Bah humbug. "I never win anything!" Plus, be told when to go at the drop of a hat instead of picking the date and time myself? No thank you. "I'm way too busy to up and leave whenever I want."


If this happened today, I'd be intrigued and curious about a hip-hop musical on Broadway. I wouldn't be discouraged about waiting a year for tickets because I'm fortunate enough to buy tickets to be able to go. (And if you're wondering why I haven't watched the show until now, considering it's been on Disney+ for like two years, the truth is I've been meaning to get around to it. I really don't watch TV so I never prioritized it. Listening to the score likewise fell off my radar.)

It took over seven years and living authentically to get here, but I'm so glad I did. To borrow a line from Alexander Hamilton in the show, "I am not throwing away my shot" to live my life with redefined purpose. I've reprioritized what's important and redefined success. In doing so, I've changed my outlook and how I view the world. (It's a bit different than Hamilton proclaiming he wouldn't throw away his shot to join in the revolution and gain independence, but you know, whatever works!)

Days after I watched Hamilton, I found out the contact lens brand I've worn for as long as I can remember is discontinued. I have to see an optometrist to get fitted for contacts to "make sure I can see correctly." How fitting, indeed. In both instances, it's all about the lens I use to view the world. For someone who is as blind as a bat, I finally feel as if I have 20/20 vision.

Let's hope the optician can literally help me do the same!

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Teachings from a Target run


“No” is a complete sentence.