Manifesting a moment

I manifested a moment last week. Like, for real. Here goes:

We went to New Orleans to spend Thanksgiving with my in-laws. One of my all-time favorite shops to check out when I'm there is Fleurty Girl, the name being a riff on the fleur-di-lis symbolizing New Orleans. The store carries everything from NOLA t-shirts, Mardi Gras gear, pop culture swag, accessories, home goods, you name it. For example, I might have purchased a sticker that says: "I tried to get tickets Eras Tour tickets and all I got was this lousy sticker." <Sigh.>

Aside from the fun merch, the main reason I love Fleurty Girl is because the owner, Lauren LeBlanc Haydel, is a little pocket of sunshine. Every day, she posts fun and upbeat videos about an item in the store. She is energetic and fun. Not to mention, she's also the definition of a badass female entrepreneur: she started Fleurty Girl as a single mom in 2009, then opened her first retail store after moving her three kids into the back of a tiny NOLA shotgun house. Fast forward to today, and she has nine Fleurty Girl locations. (If you ever fly into New Orleans, check out her airport shop to start your trip off right!)

So when I woke up in New Orleans on Tuesday and saw a new post from Lauren -- as well as others about gratitude -- I thought: "I'm going to DM Lauren to say I think she's inspiring and I love her store." So, I did just that. I even added a fangirl note about loving to meet her one day. And... she replied! She was sweet, thankful, and said she'd love to meet me one day too.

Later that morning, I decided to check out one of the Fleurty Girl shops. My jaw dropped as I approached the store. I could see Lauren inside filming one of her chipper videos. I walked in and she gave us a big hello and said thanks for coming in. I blurted out (quite uncooly): "It was me who just DMed you! I can't believe it!" After she finished filming, we spoke briefly and she was the same in real life as in her videos. Totally authentic. I told her I knew her story, congratulated her on her success, and found her inspiring as a fellow female entrepreneur. Her response?

"Women can do anything!"

So, my friends, there you have it. As someone passionate about empowering women and living authentically, heck yes, I choose to BELIEVE that I manifested that moment. Life has a way of putting things in place.

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The irony of my power suit


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