What are you looking for?

You know how you suddenly see that car you're interested in everywhere on the road? Or how that bad day seems to be endless because nothing can go your way? (I can literally feel some of you shaking your heads "YES"!) Do you know why this always happens?

We find what we look for.

If we really want that car, of course we're going to notice it. If we are in a funk about a bad day, of course we're going to overlook the small wins. So I ask, what are you looking for as we start this holiday season?

Are you looking for the stress of holiday shopping and family commitments? Or are you looking for the magic of the season and leaving room for the possibility that you may actually enjoy that family dinner? Are you looking to "get through it" all or are you looking for the joy on the journey? Are you turning up your nose at gratitude? Or are you grateful for what you have without lamenting over what you don't?

If you're like me, you need glasses (contacts!) to see. But I know that once I pop my lenses in every morning, everything seems to make sense. Wishing a very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. As always, I remain humbly grateful for your readership, support, and good vibes. Thank you!

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Manifesting a moment


Rule of three