One tomato, two tomato….

You've broken down your to-do list. You're experimenting with a productivity app. Now, for week 3 of our productivity series, it's time to add a couple of tomatoes to the recipe for a productive day.

No, we aren't making red sauce, although the Pomodoro Technique is named after the inventor's tomato-shaped kitchen timer. It's a way to stay productive because it prevents multitasking. I credit this hack for single-handedly turning me into someone who used to be so proud about all she could (allegedly) do at once into a recovering multitasker.

So how does it work? Pick a task. Set a 25 minute timer. Work on that task and that task only for 25 minutes. When the timer goes off, take a five minute break. Repeat this four times and then take a 15 minute break. (No, I don't always do four Pomodoros in a row. For me, the sweet spot is three. See what works for you!)

But here are my secret ingredients for a successful Pomodoro. Drumroll please:

  1. Social distance from your phone. I put it on Work mode and place it out of reach on the opposite side of my office. (Yep, my iPhone breakup is going strong!)

  2. Shut down Outlook. <GASP!> Alternatively, manually shut off email notifications so the previews don't pull your focus. I take this approach when I need a calendar reminder to pop up.

Here's the takeaway: the Pomodoro Technique requires that you either have the discipline to avoid distractions OR physically remove them entirely. I'm not that disciplined on my own, so I go for the second option. I'm happy to report that completing three Pomodoro lets me accomplish more in 90 minutes than I would in twice that amount of time if I were constantly stopping to check email or my phone. Full stop.

The result? Getting into a flow of deep, focused work that gets more done in less time. Work smarter, not harder people.

Except now I can't stop thinking about pasta and red sauce....

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Take. A. Break.


There’s an app for that