Paying attention to intention

My wedding day, nearly 16 years ago now, was like a blur. After all that planning, decision-making, stress, fatigue, and excitement, the day passed by all too quickly. However, there is one moment that is crystal clear in my mind: when I woke up. 

It was early in the morning. I could hear the house waking up and people moving around. I smiled as I thought about all that the day held in store. I remember looking out the window as the sun began to peek through the blinds. But instead of bolting upright and tackling everything on my list, I decided to just... lay there. I remember thinking I wanted a few moments to myself, so I decided to hold that space. I thought about all that the day held in store and how I hoped it would go. I thought about how something would inevitably go wrong and how, in the end, it wouldn't matter. It was probably only five minutes, but its impact lasted all day. I got up; I was ready; I was present.

I've been thinking about that moment a lot this week as the fall season unfolds. I have competing demands on my time coming at me from all angles -- work, home, JMT Speaks, and you know, life. But what else is new? I'm confident you get it. So here's what I've been wondering: if I could take a few moments for myself at the start of that big day, why can't I do so every day? The answer is: I can! There's no good reason not to!

It's about intentionally resisting the urge to jump up and rush to get everything done. It's about allowing your mind to just BE and listen to what it has to say. My mind may not go to an awesome dress and delicious cake like it did on my wedding day, but the point is, I can think about what I want. I can think about the day ahead; I can think about my blog; I can think about nothing. Holding space for yourself means you get to own it. You know, for better or worse. (See what I did there?!)

This practice allows me to carry out INTENTION as my word of the year!. And while we're on that subject, scroll down to hear about a podcast that will teach you micro-steps to live with intention and find happiness. Btw, do you have a morning practice that readies you for your day? If so, I'd love to hear it!

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