Permission slips

When was the last time you allowed yourself to do the thing you wanted?
When was the last time you gave yourself that grace?

When was the last time you wrote yourself a permission slip -- and did it?!

For me, it was two weeks ago on a summer Saturday. And it took a lot of handwringing and overthinking. On one hand, I could attend an outdoor sporting event with my husband and son. I'd get to watch my son have an awesome time and high-five professional football players. But... I'd also be sitting in the sweltering heat... watching sports... for hours. Yet, I still had FOMO. On the other hand, I could stay home and do all the things I "should" do: chores, housework, errands, and JMT Speaks work. Sigh.

Well, what if there was a third hand? One where I didn't do any of the above but spent time by myself? Thanks to a friend -- you know who you are, dear reader -- reminding me I could write myself a permission slip, I did just that. Much like Kelly Taylor on 90210 (you have to be of a certain age to under the reference!), I chose me! I stayed home. I got in a great workout; I took a walk; I decided to try a local spa, where I got a massage for the first time in nearly two years; and I went on a lunch date with my Kindle and read a mindless work of fiction.

All in, I had half a day to myself to just BE. I probably spent that much time wondering what to do, so I share this story to save YOU time when you're in a similar situation. Write yourself that permission slip. You won't regret it. I was rested, relaxed, and ready... to hear all about the event when they got home AND to spend time the next day doing all that other stuff. I never forged a permission slip back in my school days, but I have to tell you, signing it now as an adult was freeing!

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