authenticity, evolve Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, evolve Jennifer Thibodaux

My life in color

When we moved into our house in 2013, one of the first things we did was remove the wallpaper (in literally every room) and paint. We used various shades of beige throughout the house because it was a clean neutral. In 2015, we renovated our kitchen, opting for a green khaki color on the walls, which was the only real "color" in the house. I loved it all... until last year.

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Jennifer Thibodaux Jennifer Thibodaux

Life lessons from construction detours

I had an appointment a few towns over recently, so I fired up the navigation in my car. It estimated I'd arrive with more than five minutes to spare. Perfect! But then... construction detours. Three of them, to be exact. Welcome to northern NJ! Here's what happened... and what I learned.

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