My life in color

When we moved into our house in 2013, one of the first things we did was remove the wallpaper (in literally every room) and paint. We used various shades of beige throughout the house because it was a clean neutral. In 2015, we renovated our kitchen, opting for a green khaki color on the walls, which was the only real "color" in the house. I loved it all... until last year.

One day I came downstairs and felt like I was being swallowed by 50 shades of beige. I couldn't explain it. All of a sudden, I wanted color. I'd never cared or noticed before, but it was gnawing at me. We ultimately decided to paint the first floor in 2024 -- and today is the day it gets underway! So, you might be wondering why I'm sharing this all. Surely, it is not to dole out interior design advice. Instead, it's to share my revelation for the sudden color shift: my house lacked color because my life lacked color.

At move-in time and for several years after, I was too focused on work. You know the story: lost my identity in it, equated my worth with it, yadda yadda yadda. Hindsight is 20/20, but I don't think I considered adding color because my life was so one-dimensional. But then my life changed: in 2016, I became a mother; in 2017, I changed careers; and in the years that followed, I evolved personally and professionally -- and still am! -- and I launched JMT Speaks in 2020. 

You may be thinking, "But my house is beige everywhere!" Or "I love neutrals!" That's awesome! This is simply my personal journey. And let's be clear - I'm adding shades of blues and grays, with one dramatic moody, navy room. Maybe I will dislike it in another 10 years and opt to paint every room tan again, or change to vibrant, bold colors. Who knows?! The point is, I'll be taking note and asking if my house represents ME and what it says about my life. After all, I've gotten to the point in my life where I want to be comfortable and happy in the place where I spend the most time. Dare I say, these changes might make me happier and more productive!

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