We’re halfway there

On our 11-hour journey back from Tennessee, we listened to a "Road Trip" playlist. As a Jersey girl, I was delighted when Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi came on. Then, the chorus hit different:

Whoa, we're half way there
Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it, I swear
Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer

I realized, out of nowhere: we are "halfway there" with 2023. <Gasp!> As we close out June, we're marking the midway point of the year. What? How?!  Agh! So, that means it's time for me to check in with my word of the year, INTENTION.

Admittedly, INTENTION has been hard at times because I realized it's a bit vague for daily living. Instead of manifesting what I want my life to look like in general (health! happiness! family time! keynote speaking! writing!), I need to focus on each day, bit by bit. Over the past few mornings, right after I wake up, I spend a few minutes visualizing and reflecting on what I want the day to look and feel like. Call it intention-setting, if you will.

It's hard work because it requires granular intention, from picturing myself huffing it with my trainer in the wee hours, to pinpointing exactly what I want to accomplish at work, to thinking about how I want to spend time with my family at the end of the day, to deciding what I want to write about during my 100-day project of writing daily. Then, I can live my day with true INTENTION.

No one said you have to keep your word of the year, but I'm going to keep mine because it's working for me and I'm excited about refining it. Did you pick a word of the year? If so, how are you doing with it? Will you stick with it? Try a new word? Reply here and let me know! No matter what, "[t]ake my hand, we'll make it I swear..." Ok, I'll stop now, I promise....!

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