Word up, 2022

I'll come right out and say it: I don't make New Years' resolutions.

This might come as a surprise to some. On its face, this confession seems almost... negative. And I know how many of you have said that you like writing my content is a beacon of positivity (thank you!!). I don't want to harsh your vibe. I'm simply being honest and realistic. I'm not good at keeping resolutions because I'm an overachiever when it comes to writing them. For example, "Practice patience." What does that even mean? How? When? With whom? It's totally destined to fail. 

I thought about making very specific resolutions so I'd stick to them (that is, achieve them), but I felt kind of meh about that. So I thought I'd try the whole "pick your word of the year" tactic for the first time. News flash: this is a bit harder than it seems! I didn't want to do something obvious, like "authenticity," because that's what the dial on my moral compass is set to. Positivity? Bold? Unapologetic? Fearless? So many to pick from. So I ended up with a word that isn't immediately obvious or sexy, but it encompasses what I hope for 2022: "Better." 

  • Better at being kinder to myself when I'm too tired to wake up with my alarm.

  • Better at estimating how much time I realistically need to complete a task rather than catastrophizing everything (and in turn, getting stressed out!).

  • Better at trying new things, whether a new food or a new sport.

  • Better at knowing and respecting my own worth when pitching myself.

  • Better at pitching myself. (Hee hee.)

  • Better at letting go of perfectionism and overthinking.

  • Better at being unapologetically me.

"Better" then translates to small, manageable, incremental changes that over time, form #atomichabits that lead to big results. To better results. I'll remember to ask myself, "Can I do this better than last time? Than last year?" And achieve "better" by doing just a teensy bit more.

Who else is saying "Word up" to 2022? If so, what's your word? And have you ever picked a word of the year before? If so, what was it? How did you use it? Did it "work"?

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