confidence Jennifer Thibodaux confidence Jennifer Thibodaux

What’s your walk up song?

"Who let the dogs out? Who, who, who, who, who?!" The song blared through the speaker connected to my phone as my son stood up to bat. He had a smile on his face and his shoulders squared. It was the first annual "Boys vs. Moms" baseball game to cap off the summer season. I wasn't watching from the outfield, but from my post as ballpark DJ. Yep, you read that right.

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authenticity, career, confidence Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, career, confidence Jennifer Thibodaux

Is it ok for women to be funny?

I remember the first time someone called me funny. It was way back when I was an associate at a law firm. My reaction was two-fold: excitement and anxiety. 

I was excited because I never thought of myself as funny. Like, ever. For whatever reason, I equated being funny with being cool, so as a self-professed uncool person, I was flattered. At the same time, I was worried. Was it ok to be funny? I wanted to be taken seriously! I calmed down when I told myself that if anything, I was witty. I was naturally quick on my feet -- whether it be in a courtroom or a conversation. 

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