time management, harmony, growth Jennifer Thibodaux time management, harmony, growth Jennifer Thibodaux

Getting off autopilot

It turns out, I'd been on autopilot. For the 10+ years we've lived in the house. Oof. All that time, I never once thought to reexamine my organizational approach. I kept this odd configuration for no good reason except for, well, that's how I'd always done it. And that's exactly why I share this seemingly innocuous and mundane tale. Since then, I've made it a point to reexamine so many things I do out of habit or without thinking.

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authenticity, growth Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, growth Jennifer Thibodaux

This is your captain speaking

I was getting frustrated. It was after 10 p.m. ET and the plane was stuck in a holding pattern over Dulles airport in Washington, D.C. thanks to torrential rain in the metro NYC area, our final destination. The captain had just announced that we had enough fuel to circle "for a bit longer" and if not, we'd have to "come up with a new plan." <Sigh.>

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