time management, harmony, growth Jennifer Thibodaux time management, harmony, growth Jennifer Thibodaux

Getting off autopilot

It turns out, I'd been on autopilot. For the 10+ years we've lived in the house. Oof. All that time, I never once thought to reexamine my organizational approach. I kept this odd configuration for no good reason except for, well, that's how I'd always done it. And that's exactly why I share this seemingly innocuous and mundane tale. Since then, I've made it a point to reexamine so many things I do out of habit or without thinking.

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professionalism, time management Jennifer Thibodaux professionalism, time management Jennifer Thibodaux

Suddenly Remote? Five Tips on Transitioning to Work From Home

The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is officially a global pandemic. In a matter of days, employers implemented no conference policies, then no travel policies, and now flexible work from home (WFH) arrangements. If you’re an office worker who suddenly finds yourself a WFH employee for the foreseeable future, the change can be daunting. I know because I transitioned from a full-time office position to a full-time remote position over two-and-a-half years ago. Here’s how to transition to WFH like a pro.

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