How to survive December
'Twas the night before this newsletter goes to press, and all through the house, here is where things stand tomorrow when you read this:
Days until Christmas: 20
Days until New Year's Eve: 26
List of incomplete tasks:
Getting off autopilot
It turns out, I'd been on autopilot. For the 10+ years we've lived in the house. Oof. All that time, I never once thought to reexamine my organizational approach. I kept this odd configuration for no good reason except for, well, that's how I'd always done it. And that's exactly why I share this seemingly innocuous and mundane tale. Since then, I've made it a point to reexamine so many things I do out of habit or without thinking.
Some is better than none
Harmony is, by definition, "a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity." (Thanks, As I kept harmony top of mind this year, I was reminded of two adages that are opposite sides of the same coin:
Good is not the enemy of perfect.
Some is better than none.
Fun, play, and dad jokes
I never would have thought I'd be a guest on a podcast all about the power of play, but as they say, never say never.
I had the privilege of being a guest on the Playful Humans podcast hosted by Mike Montague. (Listen here or watch below.) His platform is all about unleashing the power of play to -- wait for it -- increase productivity. Yep, you read that right: take time off, do the things you enjoy, and watch your efficiency soar. So HECK YES, as someone who gives keynotes and facilitates workshops about extinguishing burnout, you bet your bottom dollar I can hang.