self-confidence, professionalism Jennifer Thibodaux self-confidence, professionalism Jennifer Thibodaux

“Just”: Say No

I’ve been writing a lot of emails over the last week to spread the word about a women’s leadership summit that I’m co-chairing next month. The emails contain personalized messages to each recipient and then explain the basics about the event. It’s my habit to quickly scan each email before pressing “Send.” After all, spell check doesn’t pick up on some grammatical errors or other mistakes. Case in point: my unfortunate use of the word “just” when starting the email. Yikes.

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self-confidence Jennifer Thibodaux self-confidence Jennifer Thibodaux

Big Hair, Don’t Care: From Insecurity to Self-Confidence

If you know me, you're probably chuckling at this title. If you don't know me, suffice it to say that I have a lot of curly hair. At the outset of my career, I worried about whether I would be taken seriously or look professional with such big, curly hair. But as I started working, I realized that what I was so insecure about was actually vital to my self-confidence. I needed to be “me” to be authentic, and in turn, confident.

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