Jennifer Thibodaux Jennifer Thibodaux

Why I wear purple on 10/21

Give or take ten years ago, I read an article in my local newspaper about an organization that assisted low-income women who were victims and survivors of domestic violence. It provided free legal representation for the women to seek final restraining orders against their abusers. Attorneys could volunteer to complete training and then take pro bono cases on behalf of these women.

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self-confidence, professionalism Jennifer Thibodaux self-confidence, professionalism Jennifer Thibodaux

“Just”: Say No

I’ve been writing a lot of emails over the last week to spread the word about a women’s leadership summit that I’m co-chairing next month. The emails contain personalized messages to each recipient and then explain the basics about the event. It’s my habit to quickly scan each email before pressing “Send.” After all, spell check doesn’t pick up on some grammatical errors or other mistakes. Case in point: my unfortunate use of the word “just” when starting the email. Yikes.

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law firm life Jennifer Thibodaux law firm life Jennifer Thibodaux

Five Keys to Success at a Law Firm

I recently presented keys to success at a law firm as part of the Women’s Leadership Committee’s programming. These tips are things I learned along the way during my career, things I saw others doing, or things that I wish I had done differently or better while in practice since hindsight is 20/20.

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