annual review, atomic habits, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux annual review, atomic habits, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

What went well this year?

Back in September, I was super excited to host my first ever JMT Speaks giveaway and select a random subscriber to win one of my favorite books of 2021 (and all time), Atomic Habits by James Clear. I'm circling back to that bestseller so I can draw from the author's Annual Review that he performs each December (see page 245!).

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authenticity, positive mindset Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, positive mindset Jennifer Thibodaux

A lesson from children’s curiosity

I was lucky enough to accompany two preschoolers on a trip of "firsts" recently. Their first train ride, subway ride, and Broadway show. What a day! To watch them encounter those new experiences was kind of like looking up "joy" in the dictionary and seeing it defined by a picture worth a thousand words. The look on their faces was priceless.

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Jennifer Thibodaux Jennifer Thibodaux

Why I wear purple on 10/21

Give or take ten years ago, I read an article in my local newspaper about an organization that assisted low-income women who were victims and survivors of domestic violence. It provided free legal representation for the women to seek final restraining orders against their abusers. Attorneys could volunteer to complete training and then take pro bono cases on behalf of these women.

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Jennifer Thibodaux Jennifer Thibodaux

Either way, you’re right. Can you or can’t you?

"Whether you think you can or think you can't -- either way, you're right." - Gerald Ford. I've heard this a thousand times before, but it really struck me recently. Perhaps it was because the iFit trainer said it while she had me slogging it up a hill so high the elliptical inclined to the point where my topknot was bumping against the ceiling. (At 5'4", that happens approximately never.)

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perfectionism Jennifer Thibodaux perfectionism Jennifer Thibodaux

How to silence negative self-talk

I ran into a local mom at the grocery store this weekend. As we debated the pros and cons of different kids-themed frozen waffles, I confessed I ate them too. She agreed and noted how quick and easy they are in the morning rather than cooking breakfast for the kids. She added: "I'm a bad mom." 

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authenticity, On Marino's Mind Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, On Marino's Mind Jennifer Thibodaux

“On Marino’s Mind” - Oct 1997

Those of you who have heard me deliver my authenticity talk know that I wrote a highlights column, “On Marino’s Mind,” in my high school newspaper. Fast forward nearly 25 years, and I’m using a different platform to highlight topics of my choice. It’s funny how these things go, but more on that after this fun excerpt from my first article. And why am I sharing this? I'm taking another trip around the sun this week and I can't believe how much my teenage voice and writing style foreshadows me now!

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perfectionism, productivity Jennifer Thibodaux perfectionism, productivity Jennifer Thibodaux

Accountability partners vs. perfectionism

I love writing my newsletter. Suffice it to say, it's a highlight of my week. Sometimes it takes me 25 minutes. Sometimes it takes me an hour. However, I used to have this tiny problem: No matter how long it took, I couldn't leave it alone. I couldn't say, "It's done!" and move on with my life. I'd tinker with it night after night, driving myself nuts over inane things like whether semi-colons are too archaic. (They're not; I love 'em.) 

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work from home Jennifer Thibodaux work from home Jennifer Thibodaux

Reminding you why WFH rocks

Welp, we’ve been at this for over a year now. Quarantine. Forced remote work. As I’ve written in the past, I was WFH for several years before the pandemic and always loved it. Quarantine obviously presented new challenges, but as we start a new week, here are some reminders about why WFH really, truly, is awesome. (At least, in my opinion. Maybe some will resonate with you, too.)

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Jennifer Thibodaux Jennifer Thibodaux

Let’s dumpster dive 2020

If I asked you to go dumpster diving with me, you'd probably say, "Um, hard pass." But I'm going to ask anyway, so let me back up. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has heard 2020 described as a complete dumpster fire or seen gag gifts to that effect.

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wellness, COVID-19 Jennifer Thibodaux wellness, COVID-19 Jennifer Thibodaux

5 Ways I’m Staying Positive

I was texting with a friend the other day and she was telling me that her family cancelled Thanksgiving due to the second wave of the virus in our area. She commented that all she could do was stay positive, despite how difficult it is in a year that's already been, well.... tough.

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authenticity, COVID-19 Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, COVID-19 Jennifer Thibodaux

You Can’t Unlock Your Phone or Your True Self While Wearing a Mask

I know I’m not alone in my frustration at the inability to unlock my iPhone using Face ID while wearing a mask. Cut to me at the grocery, trying to pull up my notes folder containing my grocery list but realizing I can’t take my mask off. Instead, I’m taking off my antibacterial glove to type in the code when I really just want to high tail it out of there. <Sigh.>

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