authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

It’s ok not to be ok

"Do you ever feel like just giving up?" When I asked my husband this the other night, he immediately looked at me with concern and surprise. I quickly added that I was referring to my lymphedema and how I was frustrated and aggravated. I was tired of it all: the wrapping, the re-swelling, the PT eating into my day and causing work to bleed into my nights. I was just... over it. 

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authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

Hot girl summer

So apparently I have lymphedema. That's when you experience swelling because your lymphatic system gets clogged and fluid pools in an appendage. Since March, my left foot has been really swollen and the swelling has traveled up into my ankle and calf. And let's just say, it's objectively noticeable and obvious. How did this happen?

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authenticity, career, confidence Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, career, confidence Jennifer Thibodaux

Is it ok for women to be funny?

I remember the first time someone called me funny. It was way back when I was an associate at a law firm. My reaction was two-fold: excitement and anxiety. 

I was excited because I never thought of myself as funny. Like, ever. For whatever reason, I equated being funny with being cool, so as a self-professed uncool person, I was flattered. At the same time, I was worried. Was it ok to be funny? I wanted to be taken seriously! I calmed down when I told myself that if anything, I was witty. I was naturally quick on my feet -- whether it be in a courtroom or a conversation. 

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fun, joy, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux fun, joy, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

Throw me something, mister!

So Covid hit my household for the first time in three years. We were lucky to make it this far and are on the mend. However, the biggest bummer was canceling a long-anticipated trip to visit my in-laws in New Orleans. We were headed down to enjoy Mardi Gras parades! If you were following me last year, you may remember that it was somehow my first time going to Carnival* despite counting a native New Orleanian as my significant other since 2003!

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authenticity, communication, womensupportingwomen Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, communication, womensupportingwomen Jennifer Thibodaux

How could I be her girl crush?!

At my old job, I often didn't see colleagues who worked in different practice groups. We sat on different floors and would likely only interact in passing or at firm functions. There was one woman who I'd see here or there, but found her intimidating. She was senior to me and worked on mass tort cases with high stakes. She seemed very "no nonsense." I assumed she didn't know my name.

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authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

“I am not throwing away my shot”

If you would have asked me when Hamilton debuted, I would have guessed years before 2015 because what I do remember is my attitude. It's a perspective I no longer have, so it feels like ages and ages ago. I remember I was skeptical about whether I'd like the show because it was "different." I've loved Broadway since I was eight years old. I also love hip hop. But, I wasn't sure I'd like them on the same stage.

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authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

“No” is a complete sentence.

Consider it a public service announcement or a gentle reminder. Heck, file it under a wellness tip: "No" is a complete sentence. It's ok to say no -- and it's ok to say no without any explanation. Ugh, I know! We often "feel bad" or don't want to "sound rude." I get it. I'm a perfectionist, which is also code for "people pleaser." I know it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty or overexplaining.

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authenticity, growth Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, growth Jennifer Thibodaux

This is your captain speaking

I was getting frustrated. It was after 10 p.m. ET and the plane was stuck in a holding pattern over Dulles airport in Washington, D.C. thanks to torrential rain in the metro NYC area, our final destination. The captain had just announced that we had enough fuel to circle "for a bit longer" and if not, we'd have to "come up with a new plan." <Sigh.>

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annual review, authenticity, atomic habits Jennifer Thibodaux annual review, authenticity, atomic habits Jennifer Thibodaux

What didn’t go so well this year?

On to week 2 of our annual review! What did you think of week 1? What went well for you this year? I hope you surprised yourself because I know I did. As promised, though, week 2 is going to be a bit harder. The question is: What didn't go so well? Once again, I'm answering as an entrepreneur and letting my gut do the talking.

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annual review, atomic habits, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux annual review, atomic habits, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

What went well this year?

Back in September, I was super excited to host my first ever JMT Speaks giveaway and select a random subscriber to win one of my favorite books of 2021 (and all time), Atomic Habits by James Clear. I'm circling back to that bestseller so I can draw from the author's Annual Review that he performs each December (see page 245!).

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authenticity, positive mindset Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, positive mindset Jennifer Thibodaux

A lesson from children’s curiosity

I was lucky enough to accompany two preschoolers on a trip of "firsts" recently. Their first train ride, subway ride, and Broadway show. What a day! To watch them encounter those new experiences was kind of like looking up "joy" in the dictionary and seeing it defined by a picture worth a thousand words. The look on their faces was priceless.

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authenticity, On Marino's Mind Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, On Marino's Mind Jennifer Thibodaux

“On Marino’s Mind” - Oct 1997

Those of you who have heard me deliver my authenticity talk know that I wrote a highlights column, “On Marino’s Mind,” in my high school newspaper. Fast forward nearly 25 years, and I’m using a different platform to highlight topics of my choice. It’s funny how these things go, but more on that after this fun excerpt from my first article. And why am I sharing this? I'm taking another trip around the sun this week and I can't believe how much my teenage voice and writing style foreshadows me now!

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