authenticity, evolve Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, evolve Jennifer Thibodaux

My life in color

When we moved into our house in 2013, one of the first things we did was remove the wallpaper (in literally every room) and paint. We used various shades of beige throughout the house because it was a clean neutral. In 2015, we renovated our kitchen, opting for a green khaki color on the walls, which was the only real "color" in the house. I loved it all... until last year.

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fun, harmony, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux fun, harmony, authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

Fun, play, and dad jokes

I never would have thought I'd be a guest on a podcast all about the power of play, but as they say, never say never.

I had the privilege of being a guest on the Playful Humans podcast hosted by Mike Montague. (Listen here or watch below.) His platform is all about unleashing the power of play to -- wait for it -- increase productivity. Yep, you read that right: take time off, do the things you enjoy, and watch your efficiency soar. So HECK YES, as someone who gives keynotes and facilitates workshops about extinguishing burnout, you bet your bottom dollar I can hang.

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personal growth Jennifer Thibodaux personal growth Jennifer Thibodaux

Word up, 2024

So when we live our days in harmony, the mind, body, and spirit are right where they belong. After all, explains that harmony is  "a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity." I guess those congruent triangles I learned about in Trigonometry well over 25 years ago are coming in handy after all. 

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authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

The irony of my power suit

I almost didn't buy the suit. It was a splurge at a popular boutique and looked nothing like the sea of navy, gray, and black skirt suits in my closet. It was a sleeveless dress paired with an unstructured lady jacket. The dress and jacket were a black and cream patterned knit. I loved it from the moment I put it on: it fit like a glove; it was comfortable; and it was timeless. So, with a deep breath, I went for it.

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manifest, believe Jennifer Thibodaux manifest, believe Jennifer Thibodaux

Manifesting a moment

I manifested a moment last week. Like, for real. Here goes:

We went to New Orleans to spend Thanksgiving with my in-laws. One of my all-time favorite shops to check out when I'm there is Fleurty Girl, the name being a riff on the fleur-di-lis symbolizing New Orleans. The store carries everything from NOLA t-shirts, Mardi Gras gear, pop culture swag, accessories, home goods, you name it. For example, I might have purchased a sticker that says: "I tried to get tickets Eras Tour tickets and all I got was this lousy sticker." <Sigh.>

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gratitude, perspective Jennifer Thibodaux gratitude, perspective Jennifer Thibodaux

What are you looking for?

You know how you suddenly see that car you're interested in everywhere on the road? Or how that bad day seems to be endless because nothing can go your way? (I can literally feel some of you shaking your heads "YES"!) Do you know why this always happens?

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affirmations Jennifer Thibodaux affirmations Jennifer Thibodaux

Rule of three

Over the last three weeks, three events occurred that seemingly have nothing to do with each other. But they have everything to do with each other, thanks to the rule of three.

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impact, success Jennifer Thibodaux impact, success Jennifer Thibodaux

An unexpected gift

It was a Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. I stood before a class of college-bound junior and senior high school students. I was there to deliver my authenticity talk and answer questions about being a lawyer. A bunch of thoughts went through my head. Did high school always start this early? Will they stay awake? Are they too young to understand my story? Did I ever look this young?!

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fun, storytelling Jennifer Thibodaux fun, storytelling Jennifer Thibodaux

Finding fun

As the class parent in charge of a first grade Halloween party at school, the pressure was on. Ok, I was the one putting the pressure on myself, but still, somehow the stakes for the party felt higher than the multi-million dollar class actions I used to litigate. What if we were missing snacks? What if the kids hated the snacks? What if they didn't want to do the Halloween craft? What if, what if, what IF?! Cue the overthinking and unnecessary mental load.

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intention, productivity Jennifer Thibodaux intention, productivity Jennifer Thibodaux

Do you live in your inbox?!

How many times a day do you check email?

If you work at a desk all day like me, your answer is most likely "constantly" or "as it arrives." But have you ever stopped to think about how often you are actually checking email? The answer might be upwards of dozens of times a day, not to mention responding within minutes of receipt much of the time. Really have a think about it for a moment.

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intention Jennifer Thibodaux intention Jennifer Thibodaux

Paying attention to intention

My wedding day, nearly 16 years ago now, was like a blur. After all that planning, decision-making, stress, fatigue, and excitement, the day passed by all too quickly. However, there is one moment that is crystal clear in my mind: when I woke up.

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authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

It’s ok not to be ok

"Do you ever feel like just giving up?" When I asked my husband this the other night, he immediately looked at me with concern and surprise. I quickly added that I was referring to my lymphedema and how I was frustrated and aggravated. I was tired of it all: the wrapping, the re-swelling, the PT eating into my day and causing work to bleed into my nights. I was just... over it. 

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productivity, self-development Jennifer Thibodaux productivity, self-development Jennifer Thibodaux

“Your storage is almost full”

"Your storage is almost full." Google must have sent that message to my main Gmail account* countless times over the last six months or so. The first time I received it, I opened it, read how close I was to the limit and what I'd have to do it fix it, told myself "I don't have time to deal with this," decided to procrastinate fixing it, and deleted the message.

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communication Jennifer Thibodaux communication Jennifer Thibodaux

Awkward much?

Awkward conversations. Nobody likes them. Everybody has to have them at some point. Over the past several weeks, I found myself needing to have awkward conversations both personally and professionally. Although these conversations are never fun or easy, I have learned how to make them go smoothly -- for all parties involved.

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authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity Jennifer Thibodaux

Hot girl summer

So apparently I have lymphedema. That's when you experience swelling because your lymphatic system gets clogged and fluid pools in an appendage. Since March, my left foot has been really swollen and the swelling has traveled up into my ankle and calf. And let's just say, it's objectively noticeable and obvious. How did this happen?

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leadership Jennifer Thibodaux leadership Jennifer Thibodaux

No permission, no problem

"Jennifer, in your opinion, what is important to know about being a leader?"

As the panel's moderator asked me this question, about 100 thoughts simultaneously ran through my head. Where to start? I started thinking about values I admire in leaders like honesty, emotional intelligence, and confidence. Leaders exhibit grace under pressure. They are passionate about their work and fight for their people. Then I thought about leaders who have turned me off because they are arrogant, act like a dictator, or play favorites. It's important to know what strong leaders are like, right?

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authenticity, career, confidence Jennifer Thibodaux authenticity, career, confidence Jennifer Thibodaux

Is it ok for women to be funny?

I remember the first time someone called me funny. It was way back when I was an associate at a law firm. My reaction was two-fold: excitement and anxiety. 

I was excited because I never thought of myself as funny. Like, ever. For whatever reason, I equated being funny with being cool, so as a self-professed uncool person, I was flattered. At the same time, I was worried. Was it ok to be funny? I wanted to be taken seriously! I calmed down when I told myself that if anything, I was witty. I was naturally quick on my feet -- whether it be in a courtroom or a conversation. 

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personal growth Jennifer Thibodaux personal growth Jennifer Thibodaux

10,000 miles later

I got my car on December 30, 2020. I remember it had 16 miles on it when I pulled away from the lot.  On April 6, 2023, I noticed the odometer read 10,001 miles when I parked the car after running an errand. Yep, it took me over two years to drive 10,000 miles.

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