Kayaks and key lime pie
I'm a chocoholic. Always have been, always will be. But I had key lime pie to celebrate my birthday earlier this month. Why? It had been a week of firsts.
Ever hike in wet boots?
"Good job, Mommy! You did it!"
I was indeed proud of myself. Everywhere I looked, there were trees and fallen branches. I was standing on a cluster of flat rocks in the middle of a creek. I hadn't been this far down the creek on our hikes before. My five-year-old son and my husband were usually the ones hopping across the rocks while I stuck close to the sides or stayed up on the path.
How could I be her girl crush?!
At my old job, I often didn't see colleagues who worked in different practice groups. We sat on different floors and would likely only interact in passing or at firm functions. There was one woman who I'd see here or there, but found her intimidating. She was senior to me and worked on mass tort cases with high stakes. She seemed very "no nonsense." I assumed she didn't know my name.
We should all be pineapples (part 2)
When the iFit app for the elliptical suggests "Pineapple Grove Speed Play" for your workout and your logo is a pineapple, you press play. What I love about these workouts is that the trainer always shares fun facts about the location, whether it's a beach in Costa Rica, a village in Croatia, or a pineapple grove in Maui.
Life lessons from construction detours
I had an appointment a few towns over recently, so I fired up the navigation in my car. It estimated I'd arrive with more than five minutes to spare. Perfect! But then... construction detours. Three of them, to be exact. Welcome to northern NJ! Here's what happened... and what I learned.
Does that make sense?
Because here's the thing. Ending emails -- or any communication -- with "Does that make sense?" actually never really makes sense.
“Should” you really?
Seriously, is "should" a four-letter word? I know, I know -- it has six letters. But what I mean is, do we need to wash this word out of our mouths with soap as if we used an expletive? I'm more offended by the self-harm this word inflicts than use of a real swear word.
Success is a stuffed animal
My preschooler calls him "Grumbler," but I call him "Success Redefined." He's far from perfect; in fact, he's perfectly imperfect. Perfect doesn't exist, and that's what makes Grumbler a triumph. Grumbly reminds me of what's important in life. He reminds me how we get to define and decide what success is -- in each season of our lives.
Teachings from a Target run
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I never know when, where, and how inspiration will strike for my weekly newsletter. The only thing that surprised me this week is that it took me this long to write about Target. So here goes.
“I am not throwing away my shot”
If you would have asked me when Hamilton debuted, I would have guessed years before 2015 because what I do remember is my attitude. It's a perspective I no longer have, so it feels like ages and ages ago. I remember I was skeptical about whether I'd like the show because it was "different." I've loved Broadway since I was eight years old. I also love hip hop. But, I wasn't sure I'd like them on the same stage.
“No” is a complete sentence.
Consider it a public service announcement or a gentle reminder. Heck, file it under a wellness tip: "No" is a complete sentence. It's ok to say no -- and it's ok to say no without any explanation. Ugh, I know! We often "feel bad" or don't want to "sound rude." I get it. I'm a perfectionist, which is also code for "people pleaser." I know it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty or overexplaining.
It’s toxic. Don’t slip under.
If you've been following me here or on social media for a bit, you know I'm a positive person. What you don't know is that I wasn't always that way. I called myself a realist, but I was really a pessimist. I saw the glass half empty instead of half full. I was down on my luck. If you showed me any of the upbeat, positive quotes I share now, I'd wave them off and say they weren't for me. I never made lemonade out of any lemons.
This is your captain speaking
I was getting frustrated. It was after 10 p.m. ET and the plane was stuck in a holding pattern over Dulles airport in Washington, D.C. thanks to torrential rain in the metro NYC area, our final destination. The captain had just announced that we had enough fuel to circle "for a bit longer" and if not, we'd have to "come up with a new plan." <Sigh.>
Social media psych out!
Last year, I was lucky enough to secure speaking engagements from contacts who follow me on LinkedIn. They'd email me through my website or message me on LinkedIn and the rest is history. The thing is, I never had a clue that any of those people followed me on social media. They didn't like my posts or comment on them. It was a bit of a learning lesson for me: you really never know who's watching!
“Guts, stamina, and faith.”
I'll come right out and say it: I watched the kids' movie Sing 2 three times this weekend. Each time, I couldn't get over how much the main message is something that adults need to hear and take to heart, perhaps even more than kids. So let me set the scene for the uninitiated (spoiler alert!).
Progress over perfection
On January 30, 2020, I hovered my mouse over the "Post" button on LinkedIn. I was about to announce JMT Speaks to the world. I knew there was no going back because once it was out there, it was out there. For the umpteenth time, I worried what "they" would think and if "they" would laugh. Then I got comfortable being uncomfortable, took a deep breath, and pressed "Post." JMT Speaks was "live"!
Dear iPhone: It’s not you, it’s me
Dear iPhone, it’s not you, it’s me. I’m just not my best self when you’re around.
Word up, 2022
I'll come right out and say it: I don't make New Years' resolutions. But this year, I’m doing something different. I’m picking a “word” for my year. It’s not immediately obvious or sexy, but it works.
What did I learn this year?
We made it! The third and final week of our annual review.* Our three questions are also on my blog if you'd like to refresh your recollection.
What didn’t go so well this year?
On to week 2 of our annual review! What did you think of week 1? What went well for you this year? I hope you surprised yourself because I know I did. As promised, though, week 2 is going to be a bit harder. The question is: What didn't go so well? Once again, I'm answering as an entrepreneur and letting my gut do the talking.